D-Monitor ========= List All the Sub-domains Whose Type Is "A" ------------------------------------------ URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Listsubdomain HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **domain** OR **domain_id** Stand for the domain name and the domain id. You only need to and must set one of them. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 6 Domain not exists. * 7 Invalid domain id. * 8 No records under this domain. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Listsubdomain -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:12:24" }, "domain": { "id": "9", "name": "dnspod.com", "punycode": "dnspod.com", "grade": "DP_Free", "owner": "yizerowu@dnspod.com" }, "subdomain": [ "@" ] } List All the "A" Records for a Sub-domain ----------------------------------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Listsubvalue HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **domain** OR **domain_id** Stand for the domain name and the domain id. You only need to and must set one of them. * **subdomain** The sub-domain. Mandatory parameter. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 6 Domain not exists. * 7 Invalid domain id. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Listsubvalue -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346&subdomain=@' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:14:17" }, "domain": { "id": "9", "name": "dnspod.com", "punycode": "dnspod.com", "grade": "DP_Free" }, "points": { "max": 3, "list": { "ctc-4": "Hangzhou, Telecom, CN", "usa-1": "HE, CA, US", "hk-1": "PCCW, HK" } }, "balance": 8, "records": [ { "id": "50", "area": "Default", "value": "", "record_type": "A", "sub_domain": "@" } ] } Get the Monitor List -------------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.List HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters Response Code: * Common Response Codes Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.List -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:21:00" }, "info": { "total_count": 1, "down_count": 0 }, "monitors": [ { "monitor_id": "792626", "domain": "usertest.com", "domain_id": "15132", "domain_grade": "DP_Free", "record_id": "283118", "sub_domain": "eeee", "record_line": "Default", "ip": "", "now_ip": "", "host": "eeee.usertest.com", "port": "80", "monitor_type": "http", "monitor_path": "/", "monitor_interval": "180", "points": "hk-1,usa-1,ctc-4", "bak_ip": "auto", "status": "Ok", "status_code": "200", "sms_notice": "me", "email_notice": "me", "weixin_notice": "", "less_notice": "yes", "callback_url": "", "callback_key": "", "monitor_status": "enabled", "created_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "updated_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "bak_ip_status": [], "delay_notify": "60", "warnasdown": "", "sms2voice": "" } ] } Add a Monitor ------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Create HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **domain_id** The domain id. Mandatory parameter. * **record_id** The record id. Mandatory parameter. * **port** The port number to monitor like 80. Mandatory parameter. * **monitor_interval** Monitoring spacing.Ranged {60|180|360|}. Mandatory parameter. * **host** The host from the http header like "www.dnspod.com". Mandatory parameter. * **monitor_type** {http|https} The monitor type. Mandatory parameter. * **monitor_path** The request path from the http header like "/". Mandatory parameter. * **points** The points to use.Split by ",".You can choose it from the list of your own grade. Mandatory parameter. * **bak_ip** Backup IP address.Choose one kind from the list blow: #. pass Just monitoring,no switching. #. pause The old type of pause.For more details,please visit: https://support.dnspod.cn/Kb/showarticle/tsid/179 #. pause2 The intelligent pause who pause the record immediately when the IP is down. #. auto Switch intelligent. #. IP addresses split by ",". * **keep_ttl** TTL won't be changed if this is set. Mandatory parameter. * **sms_notice** "me" for the owner,and "share" for the shared users.Split by "," if there are more than one like "me,share". Mandatory parameter. * **email_notice** Same as the sms_notice. * **less_notice** {yes|no} Whether to just send one notice within one hour. Mandatory parameter. * **callback_url** The callback URL.All the data will be sent to this URL when the IP is down.For more details,please see the directions.Optional parameter. * **callback_key** The callback key.If "callback_url" is set up,you should set this up too for security. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 6 Invalid domain id. * 7 Invalid record id. * 8 Invalid host. * 9 Invalid monitor port number that range from 1 to 65535. * 10 Invalid monitor type. * 11 Invalid monitor path. * 12 Invalid monitor interval. * 13 Invalid monitor points. * 14 Too many points. * 15 Invalid backup IP. * 16 Invalid backup url. * 17 Invalid backup IP. * 18 Invalid sms notice. * 19 Invalid email notice. * 20 There is already been one monitor on this record. * 21 The number of you monitors is up to limit. * 22 Invalid callback URL. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Create -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346&record_id=16909160&port=80&monitor_type=http&monitor_path=/&monitor_interval=360&points=ctc,cuc,cmc&bak_ip=pass&host=testapi.com' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 21:25:30" }, "monitor": { "monitor_id": "6aac176e-363a-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970", "record_id": 16909160 } } Modify a Monitor ---------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Modify HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **monitor_id** Monitor id. Mandatory parameter. * **port** The port number to monitor like 80. Mandatory parameter. * **monitor_interval** {60|180|360|} The monitor interval. Mandatory parameter. * **monitor_type** {http|https} The monitor type. Mandatory parameter. * **monitor_path** The path in the http header like "/". Mandatory parameter. * **points** The points to use.Split by ",".You can choose it from the list of your own grade. Mandatory parameter. * **bak_ip** Backup IP address.Choose one kind from the list blow: #. pass Just monitoring,no switching. #. pause The old type of pause.For more details,please visit: https://support.dnspod.cn/Kb/showarticle/tsid/179 #. pause2 The intelligent pause who pause the record immediately when the IP is down. #. auto Switch intelligently. #. IP addresses split by ",". * **host** The host from the http header like "www.dnspod.com". Mandatory parameter. * **keep_ttl** TTL won't be changed if this is set. Mandatory parameter. * **sms_notice** "me" for the owner,and "share" for the shared users.Split by "," if there are more than one like "me,share". Mandatory parameter. * **email_notice** Same as the sms_notice. * **less_notice** {yes|no} Whether to just send one notice within one hour. Mandatory parameter. * **callback_url** The callback URL.All the data will be sent to this URL when the IP is down.For more details,please see the directions.Optional parameter. * **callback_key** The callback key.If "callback_url" is set up,you should set this up too for security. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 7 Invalid monitor id. * 8 Invalid host. * 9 Invalid monitor port number that range from 1 to 65535. * 10 Invalid monitor type. * 11 Invalid monitor path. * 12 Invalid monitor interval. * 13 Invalid monitor points. * 14 Too many points. * 15 Invalid backup IP. * 16 Invalid backup url. * 17 Invalid backup IP. * 18 Invalid sms notice. * 19 Invalid email notice. * 22 Invalid callback URL. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Modify -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346&monitor_id=51fc9a20-363c-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970&port=80&monitor_type=http&monitor_path=/&monitor_interval=360&points=ctc,cuc,cmc&bak_ip=pass' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 21:41:31" } } Remove a Monitor ---------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Remove HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **monitor_id** I think we all know this is the monitor's id. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 6 Invalid monitor id. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Modify -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=51fc9a20-363c-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 21:51:49" } } Get the Monitor Information --------------------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Info HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **monitor_id** The monitor's id. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 7 Invalid monitor id. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Info -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=e91997aa-3641-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:23:16" }, "info": { "monitor_id": "792626", "domain": "usertest.com", "domain_id": "15132", "domain_grade": "DP_Free", "record_id": "283118", "sub_domain": "eeee", "record_line": "Default", "ip": "", "now_ip": "", "host": "eeee.usertest.com", "port": "80", "monitor_type": "http", "monitor_path": "/", "monitor_interval": "180", "points": "hk-1,usa-1,ctc-4", "bak_ip": "auto", "status": "Ok", "status_code": "200", "sms_notice": "me", "email_notice": "me", "less_notice": "yes", "callback_url": "", "callback_key": "", "monitor_status": "enabled", "created_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "updated_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "bak_ip_status": [] } } Set a Monitor's Status ---------------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Setstatus HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **monitor_id** Monitor id. Mandatory parameter. * **status** {enabled|disabled} The new status. Mandatory parameter. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 6 Invalid monitor id. * 7 Invalid new status. * 8 Please turn the domain on first. * 9 Please turn the record on first. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 6 Invalid monitor id. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Setstatus -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=03e3b268-3643-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970&status=disable' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 22:33:20" } } Get a Monitor's History ----------------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Gethistory HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **monitor_id** Monitor id. Mandatory parameter. * **hours** Within how many hours do you want to get the history. Response Code: * Common Response Codes * 6 Invalid monitor id. Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Setstatus -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=03e3b268-3643-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970&hours=1' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 22:40:02" }, "domain": { "id": "2317346", "domain": "testapi.com", "domain_grade": "D_Plus" }, "record": { "id": "16909160", "sub_domain": "@", "ip": "" }, "monitor_history": [ { "data": { "message": "ok", "code": 200, "data": [ { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:28:31", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:31:31", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:34:31", "responsetime": 999 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:37:31", "responsetime": 1 } ] }, "point": "ctc" }, { "data": { "message": "ok", "code": 200, "data": [ { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:28:52", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:31:52", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:34:52", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:37:52", "responsetime": 0 } ] }, "point": "cuc" }, { "data": { "message": "ok", "code": 200, "data": [ { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:30:07", "responsetime": 1 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:33:05", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:36:06", "responsetime": 1 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:39:06", "responsetime": 1 } ] }, "point": "cmc" } ] } Get a Monitor's Description --------------------------- URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Userdesc HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters Response Code: * Common Response Codes Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Userdesc -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 22:50:14" }, "desc": { "unmoniting_count": 3, "moniting_count": 1, "down_count": 1 }, "user": { "max_count": 28, "use_count": 1 } } Get a Monitor's Warnings ------------------------ URL: * https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Getdowns HTTP Request Type: * POST Request Parameters: * Global Parameters * **offset** The offset of the response.The first is numbered 0.Optional parameter. * **length** The number of results you want get.Optional parameter. Response Code: * Common Response Codes Example:: curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Getdowns -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&offset=0&length=10' Response Example: * JSON:: { "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:25:04" }, "info": { "total_count": "1" }, "monitor_downs": [ { "down_id": "15132", "monitor_id": "792626", "host": "eeee.usertest.com", "record_line": "Default", "ip": "", "warn_reason": "Connection timed out", "switch_log": [ "2014-06-05 10:24:28 No available spare server to switch to" ], "created_on": "2014-06-05 10:23:14", "updated_on": "0000-00-00 00:00:00" } ] }